Yes, we completed another week of hurting ourselves working out. In other matters, last weekend we did quite a few fun things all without our camera so we will have to be old-fashioned on this blog and pretend that cameras do not exist. =) Let's see, it was a holiday weekend and Josh and I were stoked to get some free time together! The fire danger here has been super high so Josh has been called in to work quite a few overtime shifts. When we realized that he would have the whole weekend (Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday) off as would I, well that was just the icing on the cake! So on Saturday we did yard work and then went to the terrific Territory Days in Old Colorado City. We went with our friends the Dev's and Josh got to carry their little girl in her Baby Bjorn. So cute. Then on Saturday night we went to a Skysox game and they had fireworks afterward. It was so cool! We went with our friends the Short's. Sunday…we drove around and looked at houses. No, we are not looking for another house! We are looking for ideas of what color to paint our house! Josh will soon be painting our house. I think we have decided on a lighter brown color or reddish brown. Monday, Memorial Day…went for a hike at The Crags with Lacey and the Short's. Charlie came too. She did a little bit off leash until she went a little crazy and ran about 200 yards ahead of us. Back on leash for her. She loved the hike and most of all loved the little stream that ran next to the trail. I was so surprised! She hates when we give her a bath or spray her with the hose. So I was even more surprised when there was a mini pond and Josh walked her up to the edge and she JUMPED IN! Not only did she jump right in, she started swimming! Now for someone like me who flunked out of swimming lessons as a 5-year old I was quite impressed that this little pup knew how to swim! She still needs some work on the whole breathing while in the water thing but she did great! That's about it for now. Weekend plans….nothing!
5 days ago
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