Ok I've been tagged at 2 different blogs now and one was for 6 random facts and the other was for 7 random facts so I'll do 7 just to keep it real. Here are the rules… 1. I was tagged by sarahbee and amber. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. 5. If you don't have 7 blog friends, or if someone else already took dibs, then tag some unsuspecting strangers. I'm not going to tag anyone else but if you would like to do this on your blog leave me a comment saying you have done this and I will definitely check out your blog and your random facts! Fact: I had a very strange feeling that Josh and I would be together for quite a while the very first time we went out. Fact: He had a similarly strange feeling as well. I don't know why it took us so long to figure it out. HA! Just kidding, it didn't take that long. Fact: I love to watch football and baseball. Fact: I would love to open a little bakery/cafĂ©/shop some day and sell sweet treats and yarn. Fact: I gagged 3 times this morning while trying to brush my teeth, my front teeth, not anything in the back or my tongue or what have you but the front of my mouth. And still I gagged. Fact: Favorite hobbies would be knitting, reading, playing games, baking or cooking, and shopping. Fact: I have been working on a very special new blog which I will soon be giving you a link to! Have a blessed day!
5 days ago
a new blog!!!! do tell!!!
Okay, I would visit your bakery, cafe', and yarn shop! I hope it is close.
I would visit and $pend at your yarn shop, cafe' or bakery. I hope it is closeby.
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